

The Host by Stephenie Meyer

The Host
Stephenie Meyer


It took me a while to read The Host. I'd checked it out, after my friend said it was good. But my other friend said she hated it, so I was unsure about reading it. It sat untouched on my bookshelf for a long time, but this morning, desperate to have some reading material, I finally picked it up. And God I think that is the best decision I've ever made.

The prose screamed at me: dangerous. The world of The Host was so different from Twilight, so I see why people get annoyed when they're compared just because they have the same author. It's very annoying. Now, I'm not saying you can't tell it's SM's writing- the writing style is similar to Twilight. Wanda reminded me a lot of Bella at certain points. And there were certain obvious references to The Twilight Saga. Seattle? Phoenix? Come on.

The Host is about Wanderer "Wanda", a soul who has been to so many different planets she hasn't found one she can call home. When Wanderer invades Melanie "Mel" Stryder, things start to change. As Wanda rebels against her society and falls deeply in love with two men, Jared Howe and Ian O'Shea, she begins to see that true love doesn't have a body.

Several characters died in this book, even though most of them were major, so I see what Stephenie Meyer was saying when she said she didn't want to continue The Host because she didn't want to kill anyone off. It makes sense, even though I don't like it- it just sounds like a lazy excuse. I'm so glad (SPOILER ALERT!!!) that Wanda ended up with Ian. I don't see what she even saw in Jared. He was mean to her, and he really didn't care whether or not she died, just so he could get to Mel. I really liked Mel as a character. Her fire and strength sort of reminded me of Katniss.

I devoured The Host in one sitting. It was so good I had to instantly go to Google to see if there was any news about the movie- which was another reason why I picked up the book. It's amazing. If you like Stephenie Meyer's writing, or are a Twilight fan, The Host is definitely for you.

Go pick it up NOW! lol I'm kidding.

No, seriously, buy it.


Melanie Stryder/Wanderer: Saiorse Ronan
Jared Howe: Max Irons

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