

Beautiful Creatures {{predictions}}

<a href="" style="float: left; padding-right: 20px"><img alt="Beautiful Redemption (Caster Chronicles, #4)" border="0" src="" /></a><a href="">Beautiful Redemption</a> by <a href="">Kami Garcia</a><br/>
My rating: <a href="">5 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
UPDATE 7/19/12<br /><br />The cover of this book has green letters. Green. FREAKING GREEN, which is my favorite color. And a staircase winding down, down, down. And they gave us the title, Beautiful Redemption. <br /><br />Redemption - The action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil: "God's plans for the redemption of his world". Hmm, maybe Ethan's the one getting saved. I hope... <br /><br />Now, I have some new predictions for you guys. I recently reread Beautiful Chaos (my eyes were totally mistified by the ending) and I've come up with some new predictions. Here are fifteen "prophecies" that I believe must come true in Beautiful Redemtpion.<br /><br />1) <strong> Lena will break down. She'll become almost Bella Swan-like and be gone when everyone needs her, but some vision from Ethan will finally get her ready and she'll Bind the New Order and bring her Mortal boyfriend back. </strong> That's got to happen. If Ethan was going to die, the authors would've ended the series at three books (which would have made me bomb their houses. No, I'm kidding. But I would've been pretty mad.) Plus, look at the summary. It's almost telling us Ethan's coming back.<br /><br />2) <strong> Amma will die. </strong> This is one of my oldest predictions, and it still stands because I believe it to be true. Amma made her deal with the bokor in Beautiful Chaos, and Abraham banished him. I think the deal is going to be trading her soul for Ethan's or something like that, and she dies. Her death will be painful, but it won't be unexpected.<br /><br />3) <strong> John Breed and Liv Durand will get together. </strong> Their romance was hinted at in Beautiful Chaos, but they didn't actually get together yet; remember Liv denied that they were dating? I'd actually love to see Jiv (or Lohn?) happen. They're pretty cute together.<br /><br />4) <strong> Ethan's mom will come back, or reveal that she was never actually dead. </strong> A similar thing happened in The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod, and it was completely unexpected. I think the authors would do it. It'd certainly be an excellent plot twist.<br /><br />5) <strong> Ridley will finally choose- once and for all- which side she's on. </strong> For the past three books she's been back and forth. We can see that she really loves Link, but she's not showing it because of the part of her that's Dark. However, when she became Mortal, she was shown true love and Light on Link's part (and their relationship is SOOOO cute). Also, I think what Macon said- "Everyone has Light and Darkness" was a hint at a possible plot turn.<br /><br />6) <strong> There'll be one final, spectacular Claiming Moon. </strong> This is almost confirmed by the sudden Nineteen Moons at the end of Beautiful Chaos. The only question is, will it be John's Nineteenth Moon? Or some new character? <br /><br />7) <strong> Abraham will have a hand in trying to stop Lena from Binding the World Order. </strong> Of course he will. He's the main antagonist, the reason for so much of Ethan and Lena's struggles. And he was mysteriously sane in Beautiful Chaos, so I think he has some epic end-of-the-world tricks up his sleeve for the next book. Let's hope they're not too epic, 'cause I don't want the authors killing off anyone else, even though I'm certain that's going to happen.<br /><br />8) <strong> It'll be from Lena's point of view. </strong> I can imagine the authors continuing with Ethan's point of view, but it wouldn't really be very entertaining. I mean, what else can he do but watch from the Otherworld? If he's dead, all he can do is watch. It would be interesting if they did a Vampire Diaries type thing where Ethan's a ghost and Lena's the only one who can see him, but I don't know. Lena's POV would be best though. Or maybe even both! That'd be awesome, and from the looks of the summary, I'm seeing both their stories.<br /><br />9) <strong> There's going to be an earth-shattering, jaw-dropping secret that NO ONE saw coming. </strong> That kind of thing has been happening a lot in YA, sudden plot twists that no one saw coming, so I can imagine something forbidden happening. Only... what?<br /><br />10) <strong> Ethan's father will finally come out of his depression/stupor. </strong> This will only happen if his mother comes back. That'd be pretty nice. His dad's a clueless character, but I think with the right incentive he'd be cool.<br /><br />11) <strong> Marian will either die or Liv will have to give up something to save her. </strong> This wasn't on my original list, but when I reread the book I noticed the depth of the Far Keep subplot, and I realized that Marian might be dying in the next installment. That'd be terribly sad. I love Marian's character, but hey. Doesn't look like there's any way to save the Caster Librarian...<br /><br />12) <strong> There will be something underground, explaining the winding staircase on the cover. </strong> Or maybe that's just a metaphor for Ethan's journey into the Otherworld, or to find Lena. Too early to tell.<br /><br />13) <strong> There will be an Ethan's dad/Ethan's mom/Macon love triangle if she does come back. </strong> I mean, come on. Mrs. Wate was the reason Macon chose Light- or at least part of the reason- so you know he still has feelings for her. It would be kind of awkward for Lena and Ethan, though. <br /><br />14) <strong> The bokor will have a <s> bigger </s> huge role. </strong> I mean, come on. This one's gotta happen. Amma's little deal with him was deadly, I'm assuming, so maybe he'll be on the villain card with Abraham in the book.<br /><br />15) <strong> There will be a bittersweet ending. </strong> At the moment, I can see many characters dying, the Nineteenth Moon being action packed, Abraham causing some trouble, and Lena and Ethan having that powerful reunion. I think the book will end on a bittersweet note, but I don't know how much of which will come across.<br /><br />So, there you have it. Those are my predictions for Beautiful Chaos. Now, hurry up October! Please! So we can see if they come true!<br /><br /><em> Note: Guys, have you heard that they just recently finished filming the <strong> Beautiful Creatures movie </strong> ??? It's coming out February 13, 2013. Who's going to see it? I hope they make movies out of all the books, including this one! <em></em></em>
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